Survivor 9 Vanuatu

This blog will chronicle my thoughts regarding the ninth season of the hit CBS show Survivor Vanuatu.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Episode 9, Siyanora Sarge

or Two Legs Good, Three Legs Bad

Ami's grand womyn-power plan chugs right along unabated. She won immunity and Sarge had his torch extinguished.

Reward Challenge
Competition: Vanuatu trivia, 3 flames on your skull and you're out.
Reward: helicopter ride to dormant volcano for a picnic.

At just about this point in every Survivor there is a challenge like this to let everyone know where they stand with the others. In this trivia competition when someone answered a question correctly they got to light a flame on someone else's skull. Three lights on a skull and that Castaway was knocked out. As was to be expected the men were the first three to go out.

The women were eliminated in the following order: 1. Eliza (and she was hopping mad), 2. Julie, 3. Scout, 4. Ami, and 5. Twila. I'm surprised that Scout went out before Twila.

Leann won reward and wisely chose Julie to go with her on the helicopter ride and picnic. They really bad-mouthed Eliza. One of them even said she could go before Chris. (They better not let Ami hear them talking like that!)

Meanwhile back at camp, Eliza let it be known to everyone that she feels Scout and Twila have it out for her. Scout tried to placate Eliza by telling her that it was only because she's smart. Privately Scout tells us that she has been feed up with Eliza since Day 2. (Why is everyone picking on my Eliza?)

Interesting Vanuatu Trivia:
Vanuatu means "land eternal". The Vanuatu archipelago consists of 83 islands. Amongst the natives, long curved pig tusks represent wealth. Vanuatu has the highest concentration of languages on Earth with over 100 tribal languages.

Immunity Challenge
(Individual now)
Competition: puzzles, a series of similar puzzles in several rounds.
The stupid men went out in the very first round, thus quickly ending any drama in the challenge. Ami won after four rounds.

Tribal Council
Jeff: Eliza do you feel vulnerable?
Eliza: Yes, I'm the only woman to pack a bag tonight.
Jeff: Do the woman have sub-groups?
Sarge: Yes, Julie really played Twila.
Twila: I'm stuck in the middle. I like the men.
Jeff: Leann do you repsect Twila for being up front and honest?
Leann: Yes (target sighted!)
Jeff: Is duplicity part of the game Chris?
Chris: Yes, certainly.
Ami gives a nice knowing smile, like she is all safe and secure.

The preview for next week's show says Scout makes her move. It may be too little too late. However maybe Scout, Eliza, Twila, Chris and Chad can vote off Ami. We can only hope.

Heroes & Villains
Someone please do not let Ami win this thing!

Official Episode Title: Gender Wars ... And It's Getting Ugly

Won Reward: Leann
Leann chose Julie to share the helicopter ride and picnic.

Won Immunity: Ami
like she needed it.

Voted Off: Sarge
He becomes the first member of the jury.
Aired: 5 votes for Sarge, 1 vote for Eliza, 1 vote for Julie
note: Chris voted for Sarge!


At December 2, 2004 at 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for your web site. Great detail on what happened on tonights show. I don't even mind that I forgot to tape it!!
Thanx again :)


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