Survivor Live with Dolly
Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Friday, Sept. 24, 2004
Guest: Dolly, second Castaway voted off Vanuatu
Hosts: Chris Booker & Richard Hatch, winner first Survivor
First off, let me just say I think Dolly is one big phony. She is not a poor sheep farmer from Pennsylvania. She inherited a 90 acre farm form her grandfather and only has 40 sheep on it (from her bio at I really doubt that she makes a living off of that few sheep. But what really convinced me that she is a phony is when her Mercedes car dealer called during the talk show. I bet she listed her occupation as "Sheep Herder" because she felt "Idle Rich" wouldn't get any sympathy.
I've broken it up into Dolly comments and Richard Hatch comments.
I thought that they would want to keep my positive spirit around, instead they wanted my beautiful ass gone (well, isn't she modest?). She wouldn't do anything differently, she was just herself out there. Her faith made her naive in the game. It was great just to participate on Survivor. It was harder physically and mentally than she thought it would be. She was never dirtier or hairier. Mentally the maggots were the toughest, they made her cry. Her biggest problem was that she cannot read people well.
Lisa wants to be involved in, and try, everything. Eliza talks nonstop and Mia is also very talkative. Scout is a mother figure and a leader. Twila is the Rupert of Vanuatu. Brook has nice abs (Richard agreed).
Richard Hatch
Overall Richard had kind words for Dolly. He said she has a calm beautiful personality. Her biggest mistake was that she was indecisive when they came to her asking who she wanted to vote off. (I guess the reasoning is, that if you don't care who's voted off then you have no alliance and therefore an easy target yourself.)
Survivor is a brilliantly created mental game that anyone can win. Speeches at Tribal Council usually don't sway anybody's vote. Players rarely can keep secrets and it's best to let information out early that may effect people's perception of you. This was commenting on Ami and Scout letting the others know that they are lesbians. Survivor is harder than it looks.
Eliza and Mia aren't playing well. They are irritating the others by talking too much. Scout's got it going on. Twila is not going to win it because she is too driven. (Again, hard asses rarely go far in this game)
Odds & Ends
Dolly doesn't like Big Brother. The eggs were boiled and eaten. They were fertilized so they had little chicks forming inside them, but they ate them anyway. Best caller question: What makes you think you could kill a chicken by throwing a rock at it?
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