Survivor 9 Vanuatu

This blog will chronicle my thoughts regarding the ninth season of the hit CBS show Survivor Vanuatu.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Episode 10, So Long Chad

or Dangling Chad Falls Off Island

A few of the women waiver, but they hold together long enough to vote Chad off of Vanuatu.

Reward Challenge
Competition: Rope obstacle course
Reward: overnight sleep-over and feast with a native tribe.

They competed in two groups of four. Eliza, Chad, Chris and Ami versus Julie, Scout, Leann and Twila. Eliza and Julie had their hands tied and had to pass through a rope obstacle course. It was close but Eliza's team won.

The four of them took the pig they had been given last episode to the feast, where they exchanged it for another pig. There was a lot of singing, dancing and kava. Chad couldn't handle his kava. What's kava? A species of Macropiper (M. methysticum), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by the Polynesians, by a process of mastication; also, the beverage itself. (thanks Webster)

As hungry as they were, they didn't describe to food too well. A cow's head with banana leaves behind it with piles of fatty meat that wasn't fully cooked. Mmm, mmm good!

Meanwhile back at camp . . .
Twila and Scout start talking about voting off Eliza next (not my Eliza!). Their reasoning, besides not liking her, is that having the men around for a few more days would be nice since they need to rebuild after the storm. Julie sort of goes along but Leann is silent. The look on Leann's face is like "wait until I tell Ami!"

Immunity Challenge
Competition: Post hanging, hang onto the side of a post as long as you can.

They went off in the following order:
Julie, Chris, Scout, Ami, Eliza, Leann, and finally Chad.

Twila wins immunity.

Twila considers voting for Eliza with Scout and the men, but then it would only be four vs. four and a random person would leave the island. So she's real reluctant to do so unless a third woman is in on it.

Tribal Council
Jeff: There's been a change in the weather (lots of storms), has it changed anything else Leann?
Leann: The change in the weather is driving me crazy (not really the answer Jeff was looking for).
Jeff: Chris are the women sticking together? Has your stock gone up?
Chris: Our (the men) stock is up, the women aren't very solid.
Chad: Chris and I have like 25-30 plans for whatever could happen.
Scout: There's been a lot of scurrying. The men have talked to everybody.
Eliza: I'm nervous and uncomfortable. The men have been plotting!
Twila: You can't trust anyone.
Ami: I know who I can trust (that would be Leann and Eliza).

Eliza really sounded surprised that the men had been talking and plotting with some of the other women. Ami and Leann really must keep her sheltered from the others.

Ami, Leann, Eliza and Julie will pick off Twila, Scout and Chris. Maybe Twila, Scout and Chris can swing Julie over to them but I doubt it.

Heroes & Villains
Please, please don't let Ami win this. I'm really pulling for Chris now.

Official Episode Title: Culture Shock and Violent Storms!

Won Reward: Eliza, Chad, Chris and Ami
An overnight sleep-over and feast with a native tribe.

Won Immunity: Twila

Voted Off: Chad
Aired: 5 votes for Chad, 2 votes for Eliza
Ami voted for Chad; Chad and Chris for Eliza.


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