Survivor 9 Vanuatu

This blog will chronicle my thoughts regarding the ninth season of the hit CBS show Survivor Vanuatu.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Survivor Live with Jenna Morasca

Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004
Guest: Jenna Morasca (by phone), winner Survivor Amazon
Hosts: Chris Booker & Richard Hatch, winner first Survivor

This was the least informative Survivor Live yet. Richard and Jenna both think that about half of the Castaways on any given Survivor don't play the game very well (and it really drives Richard nuts). Jenna doesn't understand Rupert's popularity among viewers. Apparently he's real hard to live with on a desert island. She also resents him 'winning' a million dollars without surviving an entire Survivor season. Jenna spends time now traveling, writing a column for a magazine (a women's mag., sorry I missed which one) and helping Ethan with his Grassroots Soccer AIDS foundation. She'll be traveling with him to Africa soon.

Not doing well at Survivor Fantasy League? Well, don't feel too bad because Chris and Richard only have 40 points.

Finally, I'll conclude with comments that Richard and Jenna made about the current Castaways.

Richard Hatch
Ami: solid, playing well
John P.: clueless
Rory: a good bet to be voted off tonight
Sarge: playing better now

Jenna Morasca
Most likely to go tonight: Mia, John P., and Brady
Rory and Eliza: not playing well at all


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