Survivor Live with Shii Ann
Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Thursday, Oct. 7, 2004
Guest: Shii Ann from Survivor Thailand & All-Star Survivor
Hosts: Chris Booker & Richard Hatch, winner first Survivor
The show started about thirty minutes late (for technical reasons?) but still ended at 3:00 pm. So this was an abbreviated thirty minute show. Initially the sound was awful but when they straightened everything out, in addition to fixing the sound, the picture was clearer than in past shows.
Comments made by Richard Hatch
The non-merger twist on Survivor Thailand that Shii Ann fell for was one of the biggest in all of the Survivor seasons. Also he said of Shii Ann: "This chick can eat!". Bugs and entrails don't bother her. Also she eats constantly. Finally he's still getting to know the current Castaways and it's too early to predict who will win.
Comments made by Shii Ann
Shii Ann likes Twila but doesn't think that she's playing well. On Survivor Thailand the Castaways picked their own tribes and she didn't like her tribe (she fell into the young tribe). She basically said that they were idiots (she usually hangs out with "people who read") and she was a target all along. Despite messing up the non-merge twist, she's proud about how long she lasted on Survivor Thailand. On All-Star Survivor her strategy was to wait and see what happened (aka "Fly Under the Radar"). A caller asked "Why don't they practice making fire before going on Survivor?" Shii Ann responded that people do, however it's much more humid and damp so it's harder on the tropical islands where they play Survivor. Shii Ann said that she's currently working in the real estate business in New York City. Her picks to do well: Scout and Chad. Not playing well: Eliza and Rory.
Caller Comment
A caller said that he remembered that in the very first Episode Jeff said something like: "These will be your tribes for the duration of Survivor Vanuatu." This would imply that there won't be a merge! I doubt this is the case and Richard Hatch was also skeptical.
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